Tutorial 5: Input Padding

For full invertibility of any invertible network, the total dimensionality of the output has to be the same as the dimensionality of the input. This can be problematic when invertible downsampling operations are involved. Take the example of an image with odd-valued resolution – this cannot be downsampled exactly by a factor of 2 without remainder! Our library automatically chooses the padding required to guarantee invertibility from padded input to output.

import torch
from torch.nn.functional import pad
from iunets import iUNet
model = iUNet(
    resampling_stride=[2, (3,2), (5,3)],
x = torch.randn(2, 32, 128, 128)
y = model(x)

print("Input batch shape: {}".format(tuple(x.shape)))
print("resampling_stride={} results in total downsampling factors per "
    "spatial dimension of {}".format(
        model.resampling_stride, model.downsampling_factors
print("Trying to pad to resolution {}...".format(model.get_padding(x)[0]))
print("Now the minimal feature resolution in the network will be {}".format(
    tuple(model.encode(x, use_padding=True)[-1].shape[-2:])))
print("Padded output shape: {}".format(tuple(y.shape)))

print("Setting revert_input_padding to False (standard behavior)...")
model.revert_input_padding = True
y = model(x)
print("Now cropped output shape: {}".format(tuple(y.shape)))


Input batch shape: (2, 32, 128, 128)
resampling_stride=[(2, 2), (3, 2), (5, 3)] results in total downsampling factors per spatial dimension of (30, 12)
Trying to pad to resolution [150, 132]...
Now the minimal feature resolution in the network will be (5, 11)
Padded output shape: (2, 32, 150, 132)
Setting revert_input_padding to True (standard behavior)...
Now cropped output shape: (2, 32, 128, 128)

This functionality uses the torch.nn.functional.pad API. For further control, the user can set its padding_mode and padding_value parameters in the iUNet constructor, e.g. padding_mode="reflect".